About me

“I’m having fun.  I’m being myself.  I’m doing what I love.  That’s all that matters”.    –    James Charles 

My Mission

My mission is to inspire other women to learn and live their “best life” that they deserve.

Like most of you ladies who are reading my blog and website (and I sincerely thank you for that). I too am going through the perimenopause and the midlife transition. (I am 52 at the time of writing).
Both of these life changers have totally turned my life upside down, in good ways and bad. The latter being the winning one though.

As a Pyschologist, I thought that I had all the answers. Boy, little did I know that there was so much to still learn about “mid” life.

Tapping into these two worlds and not only, has opened up so much curiosity, excitement and belonging, which I would like to share with you all and is the reason to why I started up this website.
Anyways, I’ve got onto the horse and ready for the ride. I hope you can join me so that we can travel together.
There may be some obstacles to jump and cross along the way but as the saying goes “practice makes perfect” or “the harder you fall the higher you bounce”.
Love life
Love your fifties

“The capacity for growth depends on one’s ability to internalize and to take personal responsibility. If we forever see our life as a problem caused by others, a problem to be “solved,” then no change will occur.”

   ― James Hollis,  The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife